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Title MY4777 - Appropedia: The sustainability wiki
Original URL http://www.appropedia.org/MY4777 
Dataset URL 20140924152151 
Text Appropriate technology • Construction • Energy • Food & Agriculture • Green living • Health & Safety • Medical Devices • Projects • Service learning • Solar • Transport • Water MY4777 [show] Contents MY4777/MY5777/EE4777/EE5777 Open-source 3-D printing (Fall 2014) 9:35 am - 10:50 am, TR Grover C. Dillman Hall 0101 Sep 02, 2014 - Dec 12, 2014 Instructor: User:J.M.Pearce Course Description This course provides an introduction to distributed additive manufacturing using open-source 3-D printing. First this course will provide an overview of open-source hardware and technological development in theory and practice. Both the use of software and user communities will be highlighted and demonstrated. Next, the course will detail the design, use and maintenance of the open-source electronics behind the development of self-replicating rapid prototypers. Then the technological evolution of the open-source 3-D printing technology will be covered with a focus on developing innovation for improved performance and materials selection. Each student will build a customized RepRap and the course will cover hardware, firmware, slicing and printer controller software for operating and maintaining the device. Finally the material properties, applications and ramifications of RepRap technology will be discussed. The course is meant for advanced undergraduate and graduate students in Materials Science & Engineering, and Electrical & Computer Engineering, while students in other areas of engineering or science with a strong interest in this topic are also welcomed. Graduate students are expected to complete all coursework assigned to the undergraduates and an in depth project. Credits: 3.0 Lec-Rec-Lab: (3-0-[0-3]), (3 lecture hours and 0-3 lab hours) Required Course Material There is a $500 course fee for this course. This fee will be used to purchase a MOST Delta RepRap kit, tools and filament for you to use during the course. At the end of the course you keep the printer you built and modified. The design will be somewhat like the image above - but note that it is a rapidly evolving technology so by Fall the design will have improved. Textbook: J.M. Pearce, The Open-Source Lab (Elsevier,2014). Other reading will be handouts in class, on-line reading, and emailed pdfs. See hyperlinks in schedule. Course Organization This course will be run as an intense seminar meeting as a group. Students will be expected to read the course material before class and actively participate in discussions. The majority of class time will be spent on projects in a flipped class format. Each student will be responsible for building a RepRap 3-D printer to use to complete the projects. Students will be responsible for giving short presentations on their projects on each sub-topic in front of the class at the end of the semester. Graduate students will take the same lecture and projects as the undergraduates, however, they will also be expected to complete a significant improvement to the RepRap design by the end of the semester. They will demonstrate their mods for the class. Grading Letter Grade Percentage Grade points/credit Rating A 93% & above 4.00 Excellent AB 88%– 92% 3.50 Very good B 82% – 86% 3.00 Good BC 76%– 81% 2.50 Above average C 70% – 75% 2.00 Average CD 65%– 69% 1.50 Below average D 60%- 64% 1.00 Inferior F 59% and below 0.00 Failure I Incomplete; given only when a student is unable to complete a segment of the course because of circumstances beyond the student’s control. A grade of incomplete may be given only when approved in writing by the department chair or school dean. X Conditional,with no grade points per credit; given only when the student is at fault in failing to complete a minor segment of a course, but in the judgment of the instructor does not need to repeat the course. It must be made up within the next semester in residence or the grade becomes a failure (F). A (X) grade is computed into the grade point average as a (F) grade. Grading Policy Grades will be based on the following: RepRap build 200 Rock Wall Project 100 Celtic Project 100 Science Equipment Project 200 OSAT Project 200 Big Money Project 200 Total Points 1000 Grad students must also complete an improvement to the RepRap worth 1000 points and be graded out of 2000. Late Assignments Deduct 10% per day, up to 5 working days, then 0 grade. Only exception is for documented illness. Missed projects are penalized by the negative square of the percent total. Course Policies Appropriate behavior, attendance, participation and collaboration with your peers on group assignments is expected. Collaboration/Plagiarism Rules Collaboration is encouraged on the group project but the individual project and exams must be completed alone. Calculators are allowed for exams but electronic communication devices are prohibited. University Policies Academic regulations and procedures are governed by University policy. Academic dishonesty cases will be handled in accordance the University's policies. If you have a disability that could affect your performance in this class or that requires an accommodation under the Americans with Disabilities Act, please see me as soon as possible so that we can make appropriate arrangements. The Affirmative Action Office has asked that you be made aware of the following: Michigan Technological University complies with all federal and state laws and regulations regarding discrimination, including the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990. If you have a disability and need a reasonable accommodation for equal access to education or services at Michigan Tech, please call the Dean of Students Office at 487-2212. For other concerns about discrimination, you may contact your advisor, Chair/Dean of your academic unit, or the Affirmative Programs Office at 487-3310. Academic Integrity Affirmative Action Equal Opportunity Statement Course Schedule Please Note: Readings will be updated periodically before we get to the module. Date Class Class description Assignment 09/02/14 1 Intro to class, big money, grad and build assigned Syllabus, Schedule, M0.1 09/04/14 2** Get kits -Start Building Your 3D Printer! Bring bags/boxes. Start building, M0.2 09/09/14 3** Trouble shoot, solder M0.2 09/11/14 4 RepRap software chain M0.3,M0.4 09/16/14 5 OSH definitions, development, business M1.1 09/18/14 6 OS licenses, legal discussion M1.2 09/23/14 7 Arduino M1.3 09/25/14 8 RepRap show and tell (monster build)/vid for online RepRap built , BRING IT TO CLASS 09/30/14 9 RepRap community, Intro to wiki- Appropedia M2.1-3, Create and populate Appropedia user page including Youtube video 10/02/14 10 OpenSCAD M3.1 Rockwall project assigned 10/07/14 11 Blender/Rockwall project M3.2 10/09/14 12 OpenSCAD show and tell, rock climb M3.3, Rockwall project due 10/14/14 13 Mashup Mashup celtic décor project assigned 10/16/14 14 Mashup project 10/21/14 15 Mashup show and tell Celtic project due 10/23/14 16 OS scientific hardware – lab partners M4.1, M4.2, OSH Science project assigned 10/28/14 17 Science Teams Post lab partners-projects, M4.3 10/30/14 18 Science Teams 11/04/14 19 Science Teams Science prototype due 11/06/14 20 Test prototype, revise 11/11/14 21 Science Show and Tell Science revisions due, with data 11/13/14 22 Open source appropriate technology, choose team M5.1 11/18/14 23 OSAT Teams OSAT project chosen-team, M5.2 11/20/14 24 OSAT Teams Identify need 11/25/14 No School Thanksgiving 11/27/14 No School Thanksgiving 12/02/14 25 OSAT Teams 12/04/14 26 OSAT Show and Tell OSAT final due 12/09/14 27 Big Money Project M6.1 12/11/14 28 Last day – The Future, Money Project and Grad Money Project, Graduate Project Due Readings and Media OSL= Open-Source Lab textbook Module 0: RepRap Build Watch RepRap video, The RepRap project- Ranellucci RepRap build OSL Chap. 5, or Delta Build Overview:MOST, 3D4EDU community Software - Delta Software:MOST, Slicers RepRap Magazine 1, Cura, Slic3r, Skeinforge, RepRapPro Slicer Printer controllers - Printrun, Repetier-Host Module 1: Introduction to OSH OSL Chap. 2 OSH Introduction, Cathedral and Bazaar, Microsoft OSH, OSH intro video, TEDxBoulder - Nathan Seidle (Sparfun)- How Open Hardware will Take Over the World, Lulzbot factory tour and discussion of OSH business by Jeff Moe, The Law of Accelerating Returns by Ray Kurzweil OSL Chap. 3 OS License OS License, Creative Commons copyright licenses, OS software for GNU-Linux OSL Chap. 4 OS microcontrollers Arduino Tutorials , Makershed comparison, Jeremy Blum TED talk, Nathan Seidle- SparkFun Module 2: Community Free and open repositories of designs RepRap IRC, RepRap Forums, RepRap Groups, 3D4EDU Forum, 3D4EDU community Arduino Forum, Arduino google group Appropedia Module 3: Open source CAD OpenSCAD, OpenSCAD manual, [1] Blender, Using Blender to Model for 3-D printing FreeCAD Module 4: OS Science OSL Chap. 1 examples 3D printable science equipment OSL Chap. 5 OSL Chap. 6 OSL Chap. 7 Module 5: OSAT Case for Open Source Appropriate Technology, 3-D Printing of Open Source Appropriate Technologies for Self-Directed Sustainable Development, Open source 3-D printing of OSAT Recyclebot, Open Source Ecology TED talk, Module 6: Big Money The Economist-- A third industrial revolution Where we go from here - types of OS3DP Open-source metal 3-D printer Other good watching: First International Workshop on "Low-cost 3D Printing for Science, Education and Sustainable Development, 25. Hopes and Fears, 27. Open Hardware and Arduino, 31. Prehistoric Collections: Digitizing the Leaky collection and interesting perspectives on digital rights and proprietary museum collections, 33. Bringing a CAD model into a physical object: Ranelucci video, 54. The future of 3D printing: Another Ranelucci video. Jobs Plastic Bank Internships See:File:MTU-Plastic Bank Internships.pdf http://www.3dprintingjobs.biz/ http://3dprintingindustry.com/3d-printing-jobs/ Category: MOST Navigation menu page discussion view source history create account Log in search navigation Main Page Recent changes Help Discussion Create a page Surprise me! collaborators Permaculture forums areas Appropriate tech Construction Energy Food / Agriculture Green living Health Knowledge Medical devices Organizations Projects Service learning Solar Sustainability Transport Water Category tree appropedia About Books FAQ Donate Blog FB, Twitter, Identica... print/export Create a book Download as PDF Printable version tools What links here Related changes Special pages Permanent link Page information Browse properties This page has been accessed 3,422 times. Page was last modified 05:36, 22 September 2014. Based on work by Joshua M. Pearce, Text is available under CC-by-sa Privacy policy About Appropedia Disclaimers
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